Specialized Agencies – Nintendo

The Nintendo specialized agency session today commenced in the most unorthodox way possible. Contrary to the conventional MUN debating methods and procedures, the Chair of Nintendo, Prashanth Selvakumar, decided to break tradition and surprised his delegates by assigning them a project of developing video games. The purpose of this exercise was to help Nintendo gain a competitive advantage over its rivals Sony and Microsoft.

Nintendo has been one of the leading manufacturers of video gaming technology since the early 1990’s. Today, despite the success of its most popular gaming platforms the WiiU and the Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo is a company that is marked by financial losses, controversies, and a fall in reputation. Therefore, according to Vice Chair Allen Chen, the role of the Nintendo specialized agency is to navigate Nintendo’s time of crisis in the most efficient way possible.

The Chair, Prashanth Selvakumar explained that Nintendo is facing a three dimensional crisis. The first is a falling market size; the second is Nintendo’s unethical manufacturing practices, and the third is Nintendo’s inability to diversify and expand into other markets. The delegates in each session were given specific roles to tackle these situations and would be given credit for “creativity, soundness, and cooperation”.

Over the course of the last two days and over heated discussions, this specialized committee has made great progress in making Nintendo a better company. Though the delegates have not yet managed to come up with clear resolutions, they have found ways to raise Nintendo’s profit margin by improving the creativity of the company. At the same time the delegates have also managed to cut down Nintendo’s unethical practices by specifically focusing on environmental degradation caused manufacturing Nintendo products.

The dais said that the most challenging aspect for them was to design the structure of the Nintendo specialized committee so that the delegates would both enjoy it and learn from it. They also said that the most memorable aspect of the Committee was watching the delegates naming themselves based on their favourite Nintendo characters like Yugimoto from the Yugimon cartoon series.

The delegates said that they had only one word to describe their committee so far – “awesome”.