Le Maigre Arsenal des Travailleurs Belges

“Il n’y a pas de raison que le droit de grève soit supérieur à la liberté de travailler” : c’est ce qu’a déclaré le Premier ministre belge, Charles Michel, suite à la grève appelée par la Centrale Générale des Services Publics (CGSP) le 10…

Québec’s Emerging Far-Right

La Meute, Les Soldats d'Odin, Atalante: These small but highly centralized far-right groups are slowly emerging from the fringes of Québec's political landscape, after years in the shadows. MIR sat down with Socialist Fightback…

A Cautionary Tale of Amazon HQ2

Last week, Chicago formally submitted a bid to house Amazon’s second headquarters, HQ2. Mayor Rahm Emmanuel and Governor Rauner came together along with a committee of 600 business owners, community leaders, and government officials to make…