Auf Wiedersehen, Mutti

On September 26, 2021, the Germans will take to the polls to elect their next Chancellor. Whoever wins the election between Armin Laschet, Annalena Baerbock, and Olaf Scholz will bear the responsibility of succeeding Angela Merkel.

Nigeria’s “Crypto Rush”

As the country with the third largest Bitcoin trading volume globally, Nigerians' increasing use of cryptocurrencies reflects a loss of trust in the state’s traditional currency — the Nigerian naira — which the Central Bank of Nigeria has…

The Worst Trade Deal

For now, the UK joining the CPTPP might signify a "smash and grab" attempt from Johnson to replace the European Union with Biden's America through a trade agreement with few real economic benefits and over 13,000 kilometers away.

How Social Media Divides Us

Social media platforms show users what they want, no matter the validity of the content. While this function is more or less harmless when talking about food or video games, it becomes much more problematic with topics pertaining to…