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The Americas
Is Colombian Peace under Threat?
While the state’s role in the peace process is controversial due to its very involvement in the conflict, the state…
Evo Morales : de président bolivien héroïque à figure…
À l’encontre d’autres dirigeants latino-américains à tendance autoritaire, Evo Morales a gouverné son pays par le…
Latin America’s Electoral Turn Towards Populism
As five Latin American countries head to the polls in the upcoming months, it is important to acknowledge the…
Female Activists: Much More than Victims
Coupled with their inherent vulnerability as human rights defenders, the fact that they are women has deceived…
L’Argentine en mauvaise posture face à une crise…
Inflation débordante, dévaluation vertigineuse du peso, pauvreté englobante, et chômage en hausse, la situation…
“Roe c. Wade” au bord du gouffre ?
Le 29 mars dernier, les députés de l’État de Géorgie ont voté favorablement la “heartbeat bill”: la loi la plus…
Face au suprémacisme blanc: la leçon de Jacinda Ardern à…
Le 15 mars dernier, en Nouvelle-Zélande, un attentat terroriste a pris pour cible les mosquées Al Nour et Linwood…
What President Trump’s Veto on Yemen Means for the…
If an international coalition is to end the Yemeni Civil War, it will not be led by the United States, who has…
Alaskans, Abandoned
Almost every aspect of state government services will be affected in a state where citizens depend on state and…
The Fascinating Heterodoxy of Tucker Carlson
The Fox News Host doesn't seem to be going anywhere in spite of recent controversy, and it is important to analyze…
Agressions Sexuelles: Le Passe-Droit de l’Armée…
Diplômée de la Harvard’s John. F Kennedy School of Government, Martha McSally, 52 ans, cumule les exploits tant sur…
Democrats at the Dinner Table: Responding to Ilhan…
On the surface, the Ilhan Omar controversy is a struggle for religious tolerance in American politics. However,…